Help Us Raise Money for the Veteran Food Pantry
RegistrationRegistration will take place at two locations whichever is closest to you.
Wilson - Old JcPenney's 1435 Ward Blvd. Wilson, NC 27893 Kinston - Neuse Sport Shop 225 E. New Bern Rd. Kinston, NC Participating Club Partners:Platinum SponsorGold SponsorsSilver Sponsor |
2024 Promo Info.![]()
Big shoutout to the Neuse Sport Shop of Kinston, NC for allowing us to take over the highlighted yellow parking area to the West/Right Side facing the store. This will also be our 2nd Registration Site. So if you are from City Government of Goldsboro, NC, Snow Hill, NC, Wilmington, NC, Jacksonville NC, New Bern, North Carolina, City of Havelock, North Carolina, Kinston, NC and you are interested in participating you can come here with you 6 cans of food & $5 to join the convoy to Atlantic Beach, NC.
We would like to Thank the Town of Atlantic Beach, NC for welcoming us with open arms and allowing us to conclude our event at the #atlanticbeachcircle October 12th!
#operationfeedingfreedom24 #jeepclub #jeeplife #neighborshelpingneighbors #veteranfooddrive #jeepevent |
Who Are
veterans Residential Services of wilson?
Veterans Residential Services is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing quality support and services to low-income veterans that have received anything other than a dishonorable discharge in Wilson County & surrounding counties. They also provide financial assistance, emergency assistance, employment training & referrals, food pantry and so much more.
For more information visit
For more information visit
We would like to say a special Thanks to Everyone for
Attending, Donating, Sponsoring, & Volenteering!
We were able to donate $6,500 to our Veterans RESIDENTIAL SERVICES
& 981+ Cans of food
2023 Gold SPONSORS2023 Bronze SPONSORS |
Blanket Partnership
Big shoutout to 7SLOTS “POSSE” for allowing us to grant these awesome blankets to the four Veterans that we all owe our lives to daily! Left to right: Harry, Gage, Louis, and Bruce. We all live in the land of the free because of the men and women just like these four great individuals.